March 2019
Introduction to Hand Papermaking
In this fun hands-on class you will learn the basics of hand papermaking and make your own beautiful sheets of paper to use in your art, craft, and bookbinding projects or simply to use as one-of-a-kind stationery. We will discuss tools and techniques for making pulp, and you will learn how to pull sheets from several different batches of high quality cotton paper pulp that's been prepared in advance for you. All materials are provided and you will make at…
Find out more »April 2019
Introduction to Hand Papermaking
In this fun hands-on class you will learn the basics of hand papermaking and make your own beautiful sheets of paper to use in your art, craft, and bookbinding projects or simply to use as one-of-a-kind stationery. We will discuss tools and techniques for making pulp, and you will learn how to pull sheets from several different batches of high quality cotton paper pulp that's been prepared in advance for you. All materials are provided and you will make at…
Find out more »May 2019
Paper marbling
In this fun class you will learn how to create beautiful marble patterns on paper. In paper marbling, paint is suspended onto the surface of specially prepared thickened water and combed or swirled into intricate patterns, then transferred onto sheets of paper. These lusciously patterned sheets were traditionally used in bookbinding, but you can also use your finished papers in scrapbooks, collages, greeting cards, or even just framed for the wall! All materials are provided, and you will create between…
Find out more »June 2019
Paper marbling
In this fun class you will learn how to create beautiful marble patterns on paper. In paper marbling, paint is suspended onto the surface of specially prepared thickened water and combed or swirled into intricate patterns, then transferred onto sheets of paper. These lusciously patterned sheets were traditionally used in bookbinding, but you can also use your finished papers in scrapbooks, collages, greeting cards, or even just framed for the wall!
Find out more »Natural dyes on paper (two week class)
Natural dyes are a fun and beautiful way to create colour fields and patterns in your art projects. In this class you will learn how to prepare mordants and dyes for use with paper, and will experiment and play with different paper types and dye applications to create one-of-a-kind designs. The focus will be on dyes that can be obtained easily from your kitchen and garden. This class runs for two weeks on Thursday evenings, June 20 & 27, from…
Find out more »August 2019
Coptic bookbinding with soft cover and found papers
Coptic binding is an ancient bookbinding method in which folded sections of paper are sewn together between rigid covers to create a decorative chain stitch across the exposed spine. This is an ideal method for binding albums and sketchbooks, as the book can be laid open entirely flat. In this introductory class you will create a book with a flexible yet sturdy folded paper cover using your choice of decorative papers made in our studio. You will combine high quality…
Find out more »Paper marbling
In this fun class you will learn how to create beautiful marble patterns on paper. In paper marbling, paint is suspended onto the surface of specially prepared thickened water and combed or swirled into intricate patterns, then transferred onto sheets of paper. These lusciously patterned sheets were traditionally used in bookbinding, but you can also use your finished papers in scrapbooks, collages, greeting cards, or even just framed for the wall!
All materials are provided, and you will create between five and eight sheets (12×19″) of marbled paper, plus some smaller practice sheets.
Find out more »December 2019
Retchoso bookbinding
Retchoso bookbinding is a unique style of Japanese binding that joins folded sections of paper with a complex yet elegant stitch using one or two needles to create a slender notebook that opens perfectly flat. Sturdy multi-layer paper covers are built onto the book’s sections before binding. It’s a perfect binding for a portable notebook or sketchbook, or for chapbook publishing. All materials are included, and you will leave the class with a finished book. Space in the class is…
Find out more »January 2020
Buttonhole bookbinding
In this easy yet elegant binding, folded sections of paper are sewn through a stiffened paper cover with a decorative beaded stitch that beautifully frames an open slot in the book's spine, offering a glimpse of the pages within. Stitching wrapped around the head and foot of the reinforced paper spine gives the look of a thread headband at the edges of the spine. The product is a sturdy and solid book that you'll love to use for writing or…
Find out more »February 2020
Longstitch bookbinding with wrapped leather cover
In this class you will create a lovely handbound pocket sized book in the German longstitch and linkstitch style, by sewing folded sections of paper through holes punched through a wraparound leather cover to create a pattern of exposed sewing along the spine. We will cover some basic decorative variations in spine designs, incorporating long stitches and link stitches with the option to add some weaving to the spine as a decorative flourish. All materials are provided. No previous bookbinding…
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